
O1: Establishing BioSense Institute as a leader in portable diagnostics

Development of a multidisciplinary research core at BioSense Institute that will work on a broader spectrum of point-of-need (PON) applications in agriculture and environmental monitoring.

O2: Amplification of genetically modified (GM) transgenic constructs


Development and optimization of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method protocols for the fast and efficient amplification of fragments from vector genes in transgenic constructs from four often GM agricultural cultures: maize, soybean, wheat and rapeseed.

O3: Biosensing


Detection of LAMP reaction products using several direct/indirect approaches enabled by a novel electrochemical and field-effect transistor (FET)-based biosensors assembled using advanced 2D nanomaterials like graphene, MXenes and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs).

O4: Dissemination & exploitation


Dissemination of project results including intellectual property (IP) protection and development of a business strategy for commercialization of the developed device within LABOUR.

The ultimate goal of the LABOUR project is the development of GMO sensing technology capable of detecting LAMP-amplified vector genes’ fragment(s) of the transgenic construct from GM crops.